Join the SDS Team

Design at SDS is a process of integrating place, architecture, activity, and style. What we create is a solution: a framework in which people live. For residential, it’s design that centers on the things that are important to a lifestyle. For commercial space, it’s about working with purpose. With that in mind, Sullivan Design Studio has developed a practice and a reputation for creating environments with intention. SDS projects are not about decoration—they’re about spaces that function for those who live and work in them.

SDS is comprised of designers whose skills and ethos have made us a team. We are happy designers, and we believe that the lives we lead are a direct testament to our design philosophy. While many of us began our careers at high-net global firms, we chose to balance our passion for design with our passion for family and personal happiness. We are process makers, question-askers, and style discoverers. We’re team players who are dedicated to cutting-edge work that is functional and beautiful.